Rachel Meakins Rachel Meakins

Introducing our new KindCurators Recruitment Toolkit

Our Recruitment Toolkit is designed and developed to give you a strong robust foundation to build an inclusive recruitment process that is streamlined, offers best practice and user experience that attracts and retains a diverse workforce who share your organisations values, culture and ethos.

The Recruitment Toolkit will be unique to you.

It is fully comprehensive that gives you all the tools and guidance to ensure you are up to date with your hiring methods, have a great user experience, streamlines your processes, while reducing costs wherever possible.

We do this by researching all of your current practices, evaluate what could be improved and give you a toolkit ready to use with templates, guidance and next steps.

Take a look here - KindCurators Recruitment Toolkit

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Rachel Meakins Rachel Meakins

Launch of David Beeney’s new book - Breaking The Silence


About the book

Over the last eight years, David Beeney's work on mental health in the workplace has been transformative. In this book, he shares his journey towards breaking his silence and explains how everyone can prioritise their mental health. He also underscores the critical role leaders must play in creating kinder cultures within workplaces everywhere. This book not only highlights the key mental health challenges of our time but also provides a detailed guide on how we can all contribute to overcoming them.

You can now pre-order his inspiring new book, Breaking the Silence, at www.breakingthesilencebook.com

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